If you’re considering anal sex for the first time, it’s normal to wonder how to do it—how to prepare, how to unwind, and how to enjoy every moment of intimacy with your partner.
These questions are becoming more frequent. Anal play is being explored by 45% more young women than ever before, according to Kinsey Institute study. So we brought in the professionals to address your questions about anal sex for the first time. Even though they all gave varied advise to beginners, they all agreed that preparation—and consent—are essential to have enjoyable anal sex.
Advice on Preparing for Your First Anal Intercourse
The most crucial thing you can do to make the most of your first anal sex encounter is to be well-prepared. Having a strategy and being ready for everything can greatly improve your mental and physical health. If this is done, everything will run more easily.
Prior to your first anal experience, you should educate yourself on the subject, talk to your partner about it, and get some supplies. The following steps must be taken in order to become ready for anal intercourse, but seasoned individuals may skip some of them:
You and your partner are communicating.
Establishing mutual trust is essential to a fulfilling anal experience.
Before, during, and after the event, spend some time listening to the doubts and anxieties of others around you and getting your questions and concerns answered. Make sure everything is comfortable for you before attempting anal intercourse.
I’m checking in on your health.
As with any sexual activity, anal intercourse must be practiced properly to prevent diseases like HIV. To ensure your safety, being tested for sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs) is an important step. A condom should be used even while working with inanimate items.
Acquiring the necessary supplies.
Lubrication is just as important when it comes to sexual encounters, even if condoms may be the first thing that comes to mind. Your anus doesn’t make its own lube, thus you need a lot of water-based lubricants.
Proceed at Your Own Speed
Patience is essential, so take your time. It will take time for your body to adjust to any new sensation.
Pay Attention to Your Body: Pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you experience any pain or discomfort, please let your partner know.
Instructions for First-Time Anal Intercourse
When doing anal for the first time, every person has a different experience. Do what makes you feel comfortable as you go on a journey of self-discovery and anal pleasure.
But in case you’re puzzled, here’s a quick summary of what anal sex may involve:
Start by foreplaying with your lover to warm up. At this point, you may also have vaginal and oral sex if you want to; just be sure to replace your condoms before starting anal sex.
Be careful not to pierce the anal area as you lightly stroke and touch it to examine it. As the recipient, concentrate on the emotions and make an effort to absorb all of the lovely energy that is sent your way. If you are donating, take it easy and talk to your spouse often.
Apply lubricant to the anus and penis to loosen them up. After that, start applying a little amount of pressure to the anus before completely pulling it out. If you experience any pain or discomfort, pause, but continue until the penis is completely in the anus. It is crucial to make sure everyone is at ease, enthusiastic, and composed.
The next stage is to choose a pace that suits you, at which point you may begin experimenting. Anal intercourse may terminate at any time, so you shouldn’t feel pressured to continue until ejaculation happens. As an alternative, you may stop having sex or switch to oral or vaginal sex (always remember to change the condom) if one partner feels uncomfortable during sex.
Typical Myths Regarding Anal
Many individuals have misconceptions about anal sex, which may cause stigma and miscommunications. It is not true that anal sex is always uncomfortable; with the correct mindset, level of relaxation, and lubrication, anal sex may be enjoyable and painless.
Anal sex is not limited to gay men; people of all genders and sexual orientations may enjoy it. It’s a prevalent misperception that anal intercourse might cause long-term harm or incontinence when done properly. Furthermore, anal contact may be as hygienic as any other kind of sexual contact if it is done with the proper level of hygiene.
In conclusion, anal intercourse may be enjoyable and lovely for both participants in a setting that is secure, friendly, and acceptable.
You should have a great time if you both make the effort to get ready, apply a lot of lubricants, and listen to one other’s desires. Make sure you are comfortable, safe, and have permission before engaging in sexual activity.