Kisses By Kamasutra

Parents are still searching for the key to switch channels, and smooching scenes make the whole living room strange. However, did you know that there existed an ancient Indian text that taught many kissing techniques?
Indeed, we are discussing the Kama Sutra, a book that rose to international fame for all the wrong reasons. It’s about relationships, romance, self-improvement, social standing, and life philosophy. The book also discusses how to achieve “moksha” in old age, but today we’ll focus on what you want to hear: the many kisses that improve your ability to love.

What Is a Kiss?

According to the article, one of the first kissing techniques is the formal kiss. In this situation, one would put their lips to their lover’s mouth. This individual is shown as a girl in Kamasutra. Here, they won’t be taking any action on their end. It’s similar to using two fingers to kiss.
Let’s go right to the types of kisses discussed in the Kama Sutra.

Which Kisses Are Included in the Kama Sutra?

• A peck on the eyelashes

In addition to discussing sex, the Kama Sutra also discusses how to lead a moral life and form wholesome relationships. There is more to the eyelash kiss than passion. You and your lover should touch your eyelashes together to create the illusion of a kiss.
Your eyes naturally come closer to one another when they encounter, creating the illusion of mental intimacy. Your breath will eventually align with your partner’s, strengthening your bond. This intimate gesture transcends feelings, making it one of the most romantic kisses, particularly for newlyweds who are just beginning to get to know and comprehend one another.

• The heart-pounding kiss

According to the Kamasutra, the individual kissing would want to touch their partner’s lips; in this instance, it would be a female. To achieve it, the individual kissing will move their bottom lip. However, they will be reluctant to move their upper lip.
Here, shyness of any type won’t exist. Another kind of kiss that is discussed in the Kamasutra is the throbbing kiss. You and your companion may give it a try.

• “The Measured Kiss”

In the Measured Kiss, one person initiates the kiss while the other savors the moment. The other partner gains power when the other partner doesn’t move their lips. When performing a role or in a relationship, it makes work more appealing. The accord is still problematic, however.

The Straight Kiss

This kind of kiss involves both parties bringing their lips together. You and your companion may attempt this easy kiss without any problems.

• The finger-kiss

It is a thrilling kissing technique that is also an excellent indicator of oral sex. The goal of the finger kiss is to arouse your partner’s interest using your fingers. Start by putting your fingertips to their lips. When you’re prepared, place your fingers into their mouth and massage their spit over both your and their lips.

• The Kiss That Brushes

Did you ever give someone a kiss without first opening your eyes? In such case, you probably “brushed kissed.” This is how you should behave if it’s your first time kissing someone or if you want to seem as if you don’t kiss them often enough. You may also put your hands over their eyes and give them a kiss. This charming deed is brimming with innocence and love.

• A bent kiss

Everyone appreciates someone who is willing to make important decisions. When one person bends their face affectionately to bring it to their lips and gives their partner a cheek kiss, this emotion manifests in love. It’s a wonderful method to begin pre-sex that culminates in a sexual finale, and it’s highly romantic and passionate.

The Clip Kiss

Have you ever enjoyed a game of tongue-wrestling with your significant other? It’s a bit dirty and ridiculous, but it makes your connection more enjoyable and brings out your inner child. The Clip Kiss is a romantic pastime in which two individuals squeeze their lips together. Both the victor and the loser benefit.

The Askew Kiss

The kiss that doesn’t interfere with your nose! Although it is well-known now, the lopsided kiss was also covered in the ancient book. The pair tilts their heads to avoid obstructing one other’s noses during the kiss. They have complete control over how far they can move their tongues. It may take a few minutes to complete.

• The Kiss of Pressure

This is the ideal kiss for your spouse if they like hard kissing. Begin by kissing your lover passionately while they are keeping their eyes and lips shut. It will be you who speaks (or kisses). Only if your spouse requests it may you bite. You may cool down by covering your partner’s face with your hands if things grow heated. Once again, it has to be done with mutual understanding and consent.

• The Eye-Opening Kiss

When your spouse wasn’t feeling it, have you ever wished to turn them on? The Kama Sutra refers to this kind of kiss as the “stirring kiss”. When your lover isn’t paying attention or is just feeling lethargic, give them a kiss to make them interested. This is known as the “stirring kiss.” Remember, it’s telling you to look, not to shove.

• The Kiss of Reflection

Is flirting difficult for you? For this reason, it adds, “Listen to your elders.” Because your ancestors discovered the ideal flirtation technique in the Kama Sutra hundreds of years ago. It’s known as the mirror kiss. You start kissing the mirror as a joke after glancing at your spouse in the mirror. You carefully slide the kiss from their lips to their neck in front of the mirror, then continue. Tell me how to make my spouse blush more effectively, please.


In conclusion, the Kama Sutra discusses other kiss types in addition to its well-known sex positions. To establish a solid connection and intimacy, you must kiss one another. It would be beneficial if you never got weary of kissing your significant other. There are several kissing techniques in the Kama Sutra that might assist you avoid your spouse.
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